Thursday, February 5, 2009


Ever hear of BabyLegs? If not, and if you have a baby or young child, you must check them out! I received my very first pair of BabyLegs as a gift before Riley was born. When I saw them I thought, "I will never, ever use these" and returned them. I've regretted it since!

Last week I went onto eBay and ordered two pairs of them (much cheaper on eBay than on the actual BabyLegs site, btw ...) - and today the first pair arrived! It took me less than five minutes to get them out, get Riley's pants off, and replace them with her new BabyLegs!

There are two big 'pros' for me with these BabyLegs:
  1. Riley has several adorable dresses that I want her to wear before she outgrows them, but tights for babies look ridiculous on her, as they are so oversized and baggy. The BabyLegs will serve the same purpose as tights ... but look much better!

  2. Diaper changes are a BREEZE now. Instead of having to take off her pants (which in turn, makes her socks fall off) and then undo her onesie to get to her diaper, I can simply just unbutton the onesie and be right at the diaper in no time!

They are a little long her her right now, but I am pleased with that - it only means there is room to grow. The BabyLegs site promotes them as being 'one size fits all' that can fit newborns to size 10 girls. Amazing! I've even read testimonials of MOM'S wearing them as leg and arm warmers!! I don't think you'll see me in them anytime soon, no matter how cute they are for Riley.

Here is a picture of her in her cute, cute BabyLegs! (These are the cream, organic ones)

** Another great site to purchase these from is I haven't yet found a retailer in the area that sells them, but if anyone knows of one, please let me know!

0 hugs and kisses: